Reading What I Wrote

Reading What I Wrote

Feed back about my work has been mixed lately, those that liked it read it aloud; those who didn't like it didn't. Once my poems were read aloud, those that didn't suddenly did. So, I post this advice: read my poems out loud, you might just hear something you didn't know was there...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sense of Belonging

My sense of belonging is dwindling every day
I guess that's what happens as you age
Family grows smaller, traditions become lost
Or they become outdated and tossed
Sadness has overcome me, in the worst way

For the traditions were all I had left
They were not given up but taken by theft

------------------------------- And that is were I was rudely interrupted by a person calling me on my cell phone. (More on that later.)

Monday, October 22, 2012


So, I heard an ad on the radio today
Something about Lasik surgery
A doctor claiming "great credentials"
Because he was acclaimed by Delta Sky Magazine
It makes me wonder
What "acclaims" prove to be "great credentials"
Something so out of place
Like an airline giving a doctor kudos
Is it deserved?
Do people really believe this?
Can I do the same?
Not worth the headache
Of putting up with the pretense
Of trying to justify
Something I think so untrue
What you see, is what you get
Good, bad, or ugly
Well, especially ugly
Because without the ugly
There'd be no beauty
And beauty is what we all seek
Even if we can't see it for what it is
Love of the deepest kind
Within everyone, everywhere, somewhere.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Unsure if how to proceed
Especially of how you perceive
What I write of what I think
It's enough to make me drink
But I continue even though
Because of my desire to grow
Past where I am
                            to where I want to be

© 2012 Deanna Repose Oaks 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Day One

I have decided to add a blog
To my author's page
Hoping that I don't blow it
By trying to engage
In doing too much
Stretching too thin
Wanting to get the word out there
And the adventure to begin
So even though this day is the first
It will not be the last
And while I'll try post every day
Forgive me if one does pass
Without a word from me
Or on the written page
Because there is so much to do
Even at this early stage....

© 2012 Deanna Repose Oaks