Reading What I Wrote

Reading What I Wrote

Feed back about my work has been mixed lately, those that liked it read it aloud; those who didn't like it didn't. Once my poems were read aloud, those that didn't suddenly did. So, I post this advice: read my poems out loud, you might just hear something you didn't know was there...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hanging On For Dear Life

The tree in my office window holds its dead leaves
Like cherished treasure it doesn't want to put down
Even though the leaves are stagnant, will not grow

The dichotomy of these leaves, so close to
Trees blossoming to life
Playing at a delicate balance, just to show

That life and death are always near
Choose to hold onto the past, dead leaves
Or blossom while letting go

© 2015 Deanna Repose Oaks
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Red Truck

The red truck crashed through my dreams (again)
Haunting me still
It isn’t what it seems
I hate how I feel
In my dreams the crash
Is full of death and rot
My life has since changed
My view has not
I was left in the dust
And debris of what was
Reminders of it hurts
Mainly because
Breaking glass and exploding bags
Can’t be repaired
Though in my dreams
They have been dared
Crashing through my life
Again and again over time
I want it to go away
I want it here, I’m….
The red truck changed my life
Against my will
Every once in a while it haunts my dreams

© 2015 Deanna Repose Oaks
All Rights Reserved