Reading What I Wrote

Reading What I Wrote

Feed back about my work has been mixed lately, those that liked it read it aloud; those who didn't like it didn't. Once my poems were read aloud, those that didn't suddenly did. So, I post this advice: read my poems out loud, you might just hear something you didn't know was there...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Holiday Cheer

Singing Christmas carols in the middle of the store
Loving life, while finishing the shopping chore
Wondering if this holiday cheer
Is better or worse this year
It feels different, somehow
As if time contorted now
Being as good as times past
When I enjoyed Christmas with my siblings last
Lemon meringue, spiked egg nog, and matching pj's
All the little, silly things we did, in all these special ways
The ache has lessened even if the distance hasn't
Because I found the perfect present.....

© 2012 Deanna Repose Oaks
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Thank you for reading!