Reading What I Wrote

Reading What I Wrote

Feed back about my work has been mixed lately, those that liked it read it aloud; those who didn't like it didn't. Once my poems were read aloud, those that didn't suddenly did. So, I post this advice: read my poems out loud, you might just hear something you didn't know was there...

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Feeling Down

Just as you are feeling at your worst
Someone may make your day
It may come at a time you won't like
But give it a chance, hear what they say
For the message may hold power
Beyond your belief
So a "horrible inconvenience"
Could be quite the relief
Let your fences fall
From the stresses of life
Enjoy those around you
It will help you through strife
Hear the love behind the anger
And laughter beyond tears
Give as much as you take
Float through your years

1 comment:

Thank you for reading!