Reading What I Wrote

Reading What I Wrote

Feed back about my work has been mixed lately, those that liked it read it aloud; those who didn't like it didn't. Once my poems were read aloud, those that didn't suddenly did. So, I post this advice: read my poems out loud, you might just hear something you didn't know was there...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Understanding Prompt

(tweetspeak poetry prompt)

1 - Surely someone, somewhere 
2 - Understands what you're saying
3 - Under your layers of meaning

4 - Past the signs that say "beware"
5 - Along the path you are portraying
6 - With those words intervening

7 - Will start to stop and compare
8 - Their worlds with your conveying
9 - Those very thoughts that go careening

10 - And only then they will dare
11 - Something larger than displaying
12 - Defining a perfect gleaning

(Author's Note: read again in this order: 1,4,7,10 - 2,5,8,11 - 3,6,9,12 for a different poem)

© 2012 Deanna Repose Oaks
All Rights Reserved


  1. i like the singing sense that is conveyed with all the "ing" words. Kind of lulls the reader, which is a good tension to the idea of having any clarity :)

  2. This was an interesting read. I quite enjoyed the way it fit together like puzzle pieces to make more than one picture.

    The only thing that could have made this better, is if there'd been numbers beside each line when you said to redo the order of the lines by number.

    Not gonna lie, I got a little swirly eyed trying to count as I read along. The only easy sequence was the 3,6,9,12--because the poem was written in triplets.

    Other than that, masterful writing.

  3. I really enjoyed reading this and I loved going back and reading the first lines together, then the second, ect. Each time was a new poem and I think you done a remarkable thing here!


Thank you for reading!